COVID-19 Health and Safety Planning: Summer 2021

The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) is committed to providing engaging programs, while maintaining the safety of our students, faculty, internship sites and staff. TFAS is offering in-person programs that will include a combination of virtual and in-person activities as conditions allow.

TFAS is currently and will continue to follow all local jurisdictions’ public health guidance on mask-wearing, social distancing and in-person gathering restrictions. TFAS will also follow all guidelines provided by our academic and housing partners as outlined below.

George Mason University

In-person class meetings and lectures will be held at the Arlington, VA campus of our academic partner George Mason University (GMU). TFAS will follow all guidelines outlined in George Mason University’s Safe Return to Campus. GMU’s safety strategies include:

  • Face Coverings: All faculty, staff, students, guests, vendors, and visitors must wear face coverings on campus and in university buildings (including during class).
  • Physical/Social Distancing: Maintain 6 feet separation (approximately two arm lengths) from other people when possible. Classroom and event spaces have reduced capacities to follow this guidance.
  • Mason COVID Health Check: Students will complete a daily health check with GMU.
  • COVID Testing Strategy: GMU conducts random surveillance testing of students and staff.
Washington Intern Student Housing

TFAS students will live in buildings owned and operated by Washington Intern Student Housing (WISH). WISH will follow all guidance provided by the D.C. government on housing visitors in Washington. This currently incudes requiring visitors to receive a negative test 72 hours before arrival and then a second negative test within 3-5 days after arrival.

If needed, WISH will provide separate apartments (free of charge) within the building for any students needing to isolate or quarantine due to COIVD-19 exposure or confirmed illness. TFAS staff members living in the buildings will be able to offer support to any students who become ill, including help with getting food and other necessities.

Non-residents/visitors may not enter the student residences. More information on WISH’s safety guidelines may be found here.

Updated on March 10, 2021. Protocols may change as public health guidance evolves.

Other Resources

District of Columbia Government’s Coronavirus Information Website
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

100% Virtual Program Option

TFAS is also providing a 100% virtual program for those who wish to gain professional development and networking experience without leaving their home communities.